Wednesday, January 7, 2009

3 weeks later

I can't believe it has been 3 weeks since my surgery.  Sometimes it feels like it was just the other day and then other times I feel like it was months ago.  My scope of time has been skewed as I am not on a schedule anymore, which is a really strange feeling for someone so used to having to manage her time very efficiently.

Most of the time my foot feels pretty decent.   I mostly struggle with the nerve pain that shoots to my pinky toe, which is very painful but comes and goes.   If I do not elevate properly the foot starts to really swell and throb, which basically is just a reminder to get back to elevating.  Taking a shower is still difficult as keeping my foot in a downward position for even just 10-15 minutes is enough to cause some major swelling and pain.   Elevating and ice are the main methods to healing--there's just no way around it.  Elevating isn't as easy as it sounds as I have to keep the foot above heart level, which requires about 4 pillows to do.   Then my butt starts to go numb.  It's kind of hilarious and super frustrating all at the same time.

I'm still not allowed to leave the house by myself, mostly because of the ice/snow and risk of falling and screwing up the whole surgery.   I really wish I could work from home, in order to ease my boredom and get back to feeling like a productive member of society.   Technically, I probably could do my job in the office if I could bring in a recliner and mountain of pillows to keep the foot elevated.   There is just no way to do this in a 4' x 4' cube.   I would also need to hire a chauffeur, as Aaron cannot drive me back and forth everyday.  I'm kind of jealous of people who have the ability, as Aaron does, to work anywhere they want.   Plenty of people say they would love to sit/lie on the couch for weeks on end--and to that I say it sounds like fun until you actually are forced to do it.   Bed rest during pregnancy was worse though because physically I could do things, just wasn't allowed to move.  That REALLY felt like house arrest.

3 weeks down, hopefully only 2-3 more until I get back to the real world.   Let the countdown begin!

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