Thursday, February 12, 2009

All alone...

The house is eerily quiet tonight because Aaron and Ryan left this morning for a road trip. Their big adventure--going to Louisville, KY for some Farm Equipment expo. Why? Because our 3 year old is in love/obsessed with tractors, so my guys and Aaron's parents drove 6 hours to take Ryan to the Mecca of farm equipment. Over one million square feet of everything farming.

I, of course, cannot handle mobility through one million square feet so I stayed home. Well, that's not the only reason. I could have gone on the trip and just stayed in the hotel, gone to the indoor pool, etc...but I still would have felt cooped up and I'd rather be cooped up in my own house, with my own bed, etc...

And a little bit of personal freedom too :) Since surgery the number of times Aaron has gone to the office I can count on one hand. If he wasn't home then Ryan was. I have rarely been alone this whole recovery period and to tell you the truth it isn't so bad. Today I turned the iPod up and listened to some tunes while (carefully) doing a few household chores. I took the dog for a very brief walk, twice, which I haven't done since mid-December. This chore still sucks in the dead of winter by the way. I also changed the cat's litter (didn't miss that one either) and did laundry. Then I had to stop and remind myself that just because I have the opportunity to get a ton of stuff done doesn't mean I am actually able to do so. That's a bummer because my closet REALLY needs to be mucked out.

But, now that everything is done and I'm sitting in bed alone...I miss my guys. I know they're going to have a great weekend. I just can't wait until I'm recuperated fully and can participate in more family activities again.

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