Monday, February 16, 2009


Woo hoo! I have officially been cleared to return to work on Monday, Feburary 23rd! I can only go back for 5 hour shifts at first, because I sit all day at my job and this will cause swelling and I still have to go to PT for 1.5 hrs three times per week. My doc doesn't want me to overdo it at first, so he will gradually increase my hours depending on how my body handles this load. As of today I still can't fit my foot in a regular shoe--so I have to get this swelling down because the doctor doesn't want it to get any worse.

More good news--the 2nd read of the MRI didn't show any tears of the tendons! However, there is still a lot of inflammation that could be making visualizing a tear difficult. So, doc is keeping me in the lace up brace and gave me a prescription for topical anti-inflammatory gel to use on both ankles to reduce the swelling. If in 6-8 weeks I still have a lot of pain he may send me for a repeat MRI. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully it's just a ticked off tendon.

Physical therapy today was good too--I managed 5 minutes on the treadmill today and added quite a few more exercises to my repertoire. It's pretty tender today, so I'll be icing and elevating tonight. Where, I'm not sure. We are getting new couches tomorrow and had to take my trusty couch out today to make room. So, basically there is the floor and one recliner available. I have a feeling Aaron and I will be arguing over the chair. Of course we get new comfy couches once my time relegated to the couch is up...figures!

I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal life soon. Might not be so excited to be back at work once I get there, but I miss my friends and miss being challenged everyday. Just knowing that I can go back is a big mood lifter!

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