Monday, December 29, 2008

In the middle of the night...

I think that travel in my condition was probably not the best of ideas.  It's 3:00 am here and I woke up with the most painful leg cramps and general foot pain, most likely from days of overdoing it on our trip and just the swelling from a day of travel.  I really tried to suck it up most days and tried hard not to let on how much pain I was in, just trying to keep the holidays as cheerful as possible. 

Normally, travel with a toddler is the hard part but when you throw in a toddler AND me in my condition the airport became an absolute nightmare that I could do nothing about.  In hindsight, maybe I should have just stayed home and risked breaking my dad's heart that he wouldn't see his grandson over Christmas.   I was willing to suffer to keep that from happening, but feel badly that this meant other family members had to suffer also and pick up a lot of slack.

The hardest part of this whole thing for me is being a burden on everyone else.  I am not used to not being able to do some of the simplest tasks, though my mobility is much better on the knee walker.   I can barely get my own beverage when I'm thirsty (making sure to fill my glass only 2/3 so I don't slosh/spill), but forget getting both a drink AND food.  I have to have one hand free at all times to steer the walker.   I couldn't pack my own suitcase because that requires more than one hand and at my parents' house it also meant stairs to go up and down, which I avoid like the plague.  Generally, Aaron now has two toddlers to wait on hand and foot.  I'm sure he will be jumping at the chance to go back to work on January 5th!   I hope I'm cleared to drive myself to appointments by then!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank heavens I found your blog! Although I feel sorry for you it`s nice to read about someone else going trough this! My soon to be-husband has to do everything for me these days, what would I do without him?
